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Our Lady of Knock Gifts
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Wood Corded Rosary/Blue/Knock Apparition   (60192)
Wood Corded Rosary/Blue/Knock Apparition (60192)
  • 5034951601929
  • Nr: 60192
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Browse through our bespoke selection of devotional gifts of Our Lady of Knock. Specially manufactured for those wishing to visit Knock shrine on pilgrimage or as simple keepsakes.

We have a diverse selection of candles, statues, rosary beads, keepsakes and other home gifts. With our selection of over eighty beautifully designed gifts we know you’ll find something your customers will love.

If you have any questions or queries about any of the Our Lady of Knock gifts we stock please do not hesitate to get in touch via phone or email. We are always happy to help. Alternatively, you can check out our frequently asked questions below.

Question: Do you supply framed pictures of Knock Shrine?

Answer: Yes, we have a small number of framed coloured pictures of the Knock shrine. They are available in brown and gold wooden frames and select sizes. We can also supply a coloured print of Knock shrine without a frame if requested.

Question: Do you sell candles of Our Lady of Knock?

Answer: Yes, we supply pillar, windproof, votive and LED candles with an image of Our Lady of Knock.

Question: Do you sell holy water fonts or bottles of Our Lady of Knock? 

Answer: Yes, we have two product options in our water font range that have an image of Our Lady of Knock on the front. These products are available in plastic or porcelain and both are 5 inches high.

Our holy water bottles have 5 product options with an image of Our Lady of Knock on the front. They range from 45ml to 500ml capacity and are all made from plastic.

Question: Do you supply statues of Our Lady of Knock?

Answer: Yes, we have a premium range of Italian statues of Our Lady of Knock including an apparition plaque. These statues are available in resin, plastic, luminous plastic, fibreglass and a range of different sizes.

Question: Do you sell Our Lady of Knock Rosary beads? 

Answer: Yes, we have Knock rosary beads in the traditional blue colouring in glass, plastic and wood. They are available in a select number of gift sets too which include a booklet on Knock shrine, the mysteries and a novena prayer. We also have smaller single decade rosary bracelets in different colours too.

Question: Do you stock home giftware items of Our Lady of Knock?

Answer: Yes, we have a small supply which includes, engraved glass blocks, engraved glass candleholders, wooden plaques, glass folding plaques, prayer cards/leaflets and fridge magnets.

Question: Do you sell Knock Jewellery?

Answer: Yes, we have two silver necklets in this range. One necklet is sterling silver and the other is silver plated.

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